Surviving in a Male Dominated Household

Snakes and snails and puppy dog tails...

Friday, June 1, 2007

Fhoto Friday....Love between father and son

When Dave was home for a few weeks before his deployment, Liam and I had talked about how "da-da" was coming home. Dave and I decided it would be best for me to pick him up at the airport first, then go to daycare to pick up Liam. It's not easy lugging a toddler through an airport and trying to get him to sit still while, this way Dave and I could have a few moments alone before picking up the little guy.

I brought my camera along, knowing I'd get some great shots of the guys. And I did.

Liam ran to me first (as I stepped into the room first) and I stepped aside so he could see Dave. He ran right for him screaming "DA! DA!!"

Liam would not allow Dave out of his sight...

And he kept touching him...maybe to make sure he was really there...

I can't wait to get more shots like this if Dave gets to visit...Liam sure loves his daddy...

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