David called today and said he was able to purchase a calling card which was only .04 a minute...WAY better money-wise!! He's able to re-charge this card too, which is great!!
He thanks everyone for their well wishes (parents, cousins, siblings, aunts, uncles...you get the idea) and apologizes that he isn't online as of yet. They're working on it (to the tune of $50/month per guy--$100 for start up fee) but it'll be worth it.
He also said that he's pretty sure he can recieve non-military e-mails (apparently they loosened the rules), so if you'd like his military e-mail address, please contact me and I can send it to you.
He does have a few rules though:
If you send him a forward, he may block you. He's serious about this, folks.
Again, this could cause you to be blocked.
3. Keep it clean.
Remember, we don't want him to lose his internet privledges.
4. No "doom and gloom" aka "Save the drama for yo' mama".
He knows that we can't sugar-coat life. However, anything that's going on at home, he really can't do anything about. So it's best not to mention things beyond his control or things that will make him worry. He's got enough going on over there...he doesn't need to worry about a fender bender or runny nose.
5. Don't be offended if he doesn't write you back.
He's a busy, busy guy. And he's not too fond of typing. So he may write you back...he may not. Don't be offended. Heck, I'm his wife and he has yet to respond to ANY of my e-mails. :)
So those are the rules, folks...from Dave's mouth to our blog.
Welcome to our family blog documenting the home life of the Bowman family. This is written by the only estrogen in the home. Mom.
Surviving in a Male Dominated Household
Snakes and snails and puppy dog tails...

Friday, August 24, 2007
Love Thursday...Foto Friday...Update from Dave....
Hey, I'm a busy woman. Cut me some slack.
Dave is at his base in Iraq, and has started a mission. I haven't heard from him since Wednesday, and I'm hoping to hear from him soon. That being said, he needs phone cards...bad. They still don't have an easy form of internet (one that doesn't require standing in line for an hour or more) but they plan on getting one soon.
As of right now, our only form of communication is phone. If you would like to help out, please send an AT&T phone card to me so I can give Dave the code #'s on the back.
I will be sending a package to Dave today and one next week. If there is anything you'd like to send him, please send it to me.
I thought I'd share this touching picture of Dave and Liam, just hanging out on Dave's bunk at Fort McCoy.

Love is just relaxing with your son and husband...not thinking about the year ahead...just enjoying each other.
Dave is at his base in Iraq, and has started a mission. I haven't heard from him since Wednesday, and I'm hoping to hear from him soon. That being said, he needs phone cards...bad. They still don't have an easy form of internet (one that doesn't require standing in line for an hour or more) but they plan on getting one soon.
As of right now, our only form of communication is phone. If you would like to help out, please send an AT&T phone card to me so I can give Dave the code #'s on the back.
I will be sending a package to Dave today and one next week. If there is anything you'd like to send him, please send it to me.
I thought I'd share this touching picture of Dave and Liam, just hanging out on Dave's bunk at Fort McCoy.

Love is just relaxing with your son and husband...not thinking about the year ahead...just enjoying each other.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Things I'm learning....
I'd like to start a "things I'm learning" segment to the blog. I've learned a lot already in this deployment, and I'm sure, in the next year, I will learn a lot more.
So, for the first "Things I'm learning"...
1. People really don't know what to say.
When people find out that Dave's deployed, they really don't know what to say to me. Some people think it's a good idea to bash the war. I don't know how many times I've heard, "Let's bring those boys home." They learn (pretty quickly) that's really not my stance. And, being an Army wife with a deployed husband, I'd like to think that my opinion is a little more "valid". I recently laid into a political staffer who said, "Well, don't you want your husband home?" Yeah. I do. But being selfish right now isn't in the best interest of the world. The Iraqi people deserve freedom. Just because I want my husband home doesn't mean that they shouldn't have freedom. I also don't think this is a good lesson to show my son. When you do something, you do it right, and you do it until the job is done. Whether we should have gone over there in the first place doesn't matter now. We're there. Let's finish it and do it right. Anything worth doing isn't easy. I don't want my son to think, 'Hey, dad missed out on a lot of my milestones for nothing.' When things get tough, you don't just put your tail between your legs and retreat. That doesn't solve anything.
People also apologize. I don't want to hear that 'you're sorry'. I know there really are no other words. Other than, "Aw, man. That sucks." That's about the best response I've gotten in this deployment. It's true. It does suck.
2. The only movies that I should watch must contain a muppet or two.
Anything else makes me cry. I happened upon Forrest Gump the other night. Good Lord. I cried and cried. Even comedies make me cry. Why? I always think, "David would LOVE this movie." Then I cry.
3. The ONLY people who really understand what you're going through are other army wives/fiance's who going through this same deployment--right now.
Please. Don't tell me that you know "exactly" how I feel because your husband was gone last week/for a few days/overnight. I could do a week standing on my head. And I really don't want to hear, "Well, he's only been gone a few months. That's not that bad, yet." Really? That's easy for you to say because you slept next to your husband last night, in your bed, safely. I know you're trying to help me. But it's not working. It just makes me feel worse.
I've been blessed to be able to talk to a few Army wives (Bush's wife and Barnes' wife) and Army fiancee (Smith's fiance) who know exactly how I feel. Liam and I might have to take a trip to Kansas to visit the gals. :)
4. I need to make time to cry. (aka: I should have bought stock in Kleenex)
I've found that when I try to be strong and not cry, it just creeps up on me and the tears flow at the most inoppurtune time (like sitting at my desk at work when one of "our songs" happen to come on the radio). I've found it's best to sit down, take a deep breath late at night and just let it out. This way Steve Perry can't sneak up on me. (Damn you, Journey and your wonderful ballads!)
5. I'm stronger than I ever thought I could be.
I've been through a lot in my 27 years on this planet. I've seen a lot. I've experienced a lot. I never thought I could miss someone as much as I miss Dave. Yet, somehow, I find the strength to get out of bed every morning, go to work, be the best mom I can be to our son and go to bed...just to do it all over again the next day. One day down, one day closer to being back in my husband's arms.
So, for the first "Things I'm learning"...
1. People really don't know what to say.
When people find out that Dave's deployed, they really don't know what to say to me. Some people think it's a good idea to bash the war. I don't know how many times I've heard, "Let's bring those boys home." They learn (pretty quickly) that's really not my stance. And, being an Army wife with a deployed husband, I'd like to think that my opinion is a little more "valid". I recently laid into a political staffer who said, "Well, don't you want your husband home?" Yeah. I do. But being selfish right now isn't in the best interest of the world. The Iraqi people deserve freedom. Just because I want my husband home doesn't mean that they shouldn't have freedom. I also don't think this is a good lesson to show my son. When you do something, you do it right, and you do it until the job is done. Whether we should have gone over there in the first place doesn't matter now. We're there. Let's finish it and do it right. Anything worth doing isn't easy. I don't want my son to think, 'Hey, dad missed out on a lot of my milestones for nothing.' When things get tough, you don't just put your tail between your legs and retreat. That doesn't solve anything.
People also apologize. I don't want to hear that 'you're sorry'. I know there really are no other words. Other than, "Aw, man. That sucks." That's about the best response I've gotten in this deployment. It's true. It does suck.
2. The only movies that I should watch must contain a muppet or two.
Anything else makes me cry. I happened upon Forrest Gump the other night. Good Lord. I cried and cried. Even comedies make me cry. Why? I always think, "David would LOVE this movie." Then I cry.
3. The ONLY people who really understand what you're going through are other army wives/fiance's who going through this same deployment--right now.
Please. Don't tell me that you know "exactly" how I feel because your husband was gone last week/for a few days/overnight. I could do a week standing on my head. And I really don't want to hear, "Well, he's only been gone a few months. That's not that bad, yet." Really? That's easy for you to say because you slept next to your husband last night, in your bed, safely. I know you're trying to help me. But it's not working. It just makes me feel worse.
I've been blessed to be able to talk to a few Army wives (Bush's wife and Barnes' wife) and Army fiancee (Smith's fiance) who know exactly how I feel. Liam and I might have to take a trip to Kansas to visit the gals. :)
4. I need to make time to cry. (aka: I should have bought stock in Kleenex)
I've found that when I try to be strong and not cry, it just creeps up on me and the tears flow at the most inoppurtune time (like sitting at my desk at work when one of "our songs" happen to come on the radio). I've found it's best to sit down, take a deep breath late at night and just let it out. This way Steve Perry can't sneak up on me. (Damn you, Journey and your wonderful ballads!)
5. I'm stronger than I ever thought I could be.
I've been through a lot in my 27 years on this planet. I've seen a lot. I've experienced a lot. I never thought I could miss someone as much as I miss Dave. Yet, somehow, I find the strength to get out of bed every morning, go to work, be the best mom I can be to our son and go to bed...just to do it all over again the next day. One day down, one day closer to being back in my husband's arms.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Love Thursday...wanting to be like daddy

This picture was taken by Mandie, a fiance of one of the guys in Dave's unit, when we went to Wisconsin for Dave's Deployment Ceremony.
Liam was SO excited to be in an outfit that matched Daddy's.
Love is watching your child squeal in delight when he sees his dad...and having them wear matching outfits....too cute!!
Friday, August 10, 2007
Love Thursday/Funny Fhoto Friday...
It's a two for one deal...
When Liam and I went up to visit Dave, I finally had the chance to try on his armor that he's been complaining about for the last few months. He was always saying, "This HAS to be worse than pregnancy!!" Really? Let's see. And I told him I'd put it on if he agreed to wear a sympathy belly the next time I'm pregnant. And it was a deal.
So I put it on. Sure, its heavy, but its EVEN weight...not all out front. It doesn't make your hips ache and there is no one kicking you from the inside when you're trying to sleep.
So it's nothing like pregnancy. Now I can't wait for Dave to get home and get a picture of him with the sympathy belly on...LOL.

Love is the ability to be goofy with your husband...just before saying "See you in a few months".
When Liam and I went up to visit Dave, I finally had the chance to try on his armor that he's been complaining about for the last few months. He was always saying, "This HAS to be worse than pregnancy!!" Really? Let's see. And I told him I'd put it on if he agreed to wear a sympathy belly the next time I'm pregnant. And it was a deal.
So I put it on. Sure, its heavy, but its EVEN weight...not all out front. It doesn't make your hips ache and there is no one kicking you from the inside when you're trying to sleep.
So it's nothing like pregnancy. Now I can't wait for Dave to get home and get a picture of him with the sympathy belly on...LOL.

Love is the ability to be goofy with your husband...just before saying "See you in a few months".
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Quick update....
I just thought I'd give everyone a quick update to let you know what's going on...
Dave called and he's landed in the sand. It'll be another few days before he's at his base, but he's safe and sound. He calls when he can, but he's 8 hours ahead of our time and having a bit of a hard time grasping that...lol.
He called the other night (at 11PM), and being the old lady I am, was already in bed. By the time I realized my phone was ringing, woke up, snuck away from a snuggling Liam and got Beckett off of my feet, Dave had gone into voicemail. And I cried and cried. Thankfully he called me back the next day and I told him that if I ever don't answer, for him to leave a voicemail and call me back in a few minutes. I was up ALL NIGHT thinking "he's got to call me back". So needless to say, I didn't get very much sleep.
Thankfully my parents sent a 900 minute AT&T phone card with me to give to Dave...and they just dropped another 1200 minute one off for me to send to him, once he gets to where he's going. They also brought me a boquet of roses with a "thinking of you" card. That was VERY sweet. I think my parents are taking this deployment harder than I ever thought they would.
Dave sounded in good spirits when I talked to him and was pleased to hear that Liam was missing "Dada-Boose" (Dada & Bush-Dave's buddy in his unit).
Everynight Liam and I say the "Now I lay me down to sleep" prayer and add "Please keep Dada safe"--Liam interrupts me and says, "Dada-Boose. AMEN."
Lord, Please keep my husband and his entire unit safe. Including "Boose". Amen.
Dave called and he's landed in the sand. It'll be another few days before he's at his base, but he's safe and sound. He calls when he can, but he's 8 hours ahead of our time and having a bit of a hard time grasping that...lol.
He called the other night (at 11PM), and being the old lady I am, was already in bed. By the time I realized my phone was ringing, woke up, snuck away from a snuggling Liam and got Beckett off of my feet, Dave had gone into voicemail. And I cried and cried. Thankfully he called me back the next day and I told him that if I ever don't answer, for him to leave a voicemail and call me back in a few minutes. I was up ALL NIGHT thinking "he's got to call me back". So needless to say, I didn't get very much sleep.
Thankfully my parents sent a 900 minute AT&T phone card with me to give to Dave...and they just dropped another 1200 minute one off for me to send to him, once he gets to where he's going. They also brought me a boquet of roses with a "thinking of you" card. That was VERY sweet. I think my parents are taking this deployment harder than I ever thought they would.
Dave sounded in good spirits when I talked to him and was pleased to hear that Liam was missing "Dada-Boose" (Dada & Bush-Dave's buddy in his unit).
Everynight Liam and I say the "Now I lay me down to sleep" prayer and add "Please keep Dada safe"--Liam interrupts me and says, "Dada-Boose. AMEN."
Lord, Please keep my husband and his entire unit safe. Including "Boose". Amen.
Monday, August 6, 2007
Sending mail or e-mail to David....
As I mentioned earlier, David and I talked about the mail/e-mail method of contacting David during his recent few days of leave. It had been brought to our attention that there were a few family members/friends who were not happy with this decision. After talking to each other, talking to his other buddies in his unit (who are doing the same thing), and talking to the commander (who suggested that only one family member have the address), he's decided to keep his method he decided on in May.
So, if you would like to mail anything to David, please mail it to my home address where I will send it off in a large package. I'm looking to mail him at least a few times a month so he has some mail from home to look forward to.
I understand that this may frustrate some. I apologize for that, but I feel that it is of utmost importance to honor my husband's wishes at this time. Please do not question me about his decision, it has been made. David has enough on his plate right now and he doesn't need to worry about family being frustrated about his decision. Please respect it. I also have a lot on my plate right now. This is a VERY emotional time for us all. Please respect my husbands wishes so that I may respect his wishes.
As for e-mail, while overseas, Dave's been told (again, by the Commander) that his e-mail account cannot accept any e-mail from anything but an AKO account (security reasons). So, a few weeks ago, he set me up on one (he was allowed to set up an account for a dependent and since Liam can't type yet..he set me up on one). If you would like to e-mail David, please contact me and let me know so I can e-mail you my military e-mail address and send it on.
Please be assured that I will not be reading anyone's e-mails or letters to David. That is NOT the point of this system. It is to make sure that David does not get anything that might get him into trouble, to condense the items he has to carry with him and to make this deployment as easy on him as possible.
Please respect these decisions that David has made so we can make this deployment as easy on him as possible.
So, if you would like to mail anything to David, please mail it to my home address where I will send it off in a large package. I'm looking to mail him at least a few times a month so he has some mail from home to look forward to.
I understand that this may frustrate some. I apologize for that, but I feel that it is of utmost importance to honor my husband's wishes at this time. Please do not question me about his decision, it has been made. David has enough on his plate right now and he doesn't need to worry about family being frustrated about his decision. Please respect it. I also have a lot on my plate right now. This is a VERY emotional time for us all. Please respect my husbands wishes so that I may respect his wishes.
As for e-mail, while overseas, Dave's been told (again, by the Commander) that his e-mail account cannot accept any e-mail from anything but an AKO account (security reasons). So, a few weeks ago, he set me up on one (he was allowed to set up an account for a dependent and since Liam can't type yet..he set me up on one). If you would like to e-mail David, please contact me and let me know so I can e-mail you my military e-mail address and send it on.
Please be assured that I will not be reading anyone's e-mails or letters to David. That is NOT the point of this system. It is to make sure that David does not get anything that might get him into trouble, to condense the items he has to carry with him and to make this deployment as easy on him as possible.
Please respect these decisions that David has made so we can make this deployment as easy on him as possible.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
My two guys...
This picture was taken by Mandie, Smith's fiance (Smith is one of Dave's buddies in the unit) after the deployment ceremony.

A post??? What???
Yes. I apologize for the lack of posts here, but I wanted to tell you all why I've been absent.
I was able to spend a few days with my husband before he left for Iraq. I have a lot of pictures and video, which will hopefully keep everyone entertained. I know I was.
We had a great family "vacation". Dave couldn't believe how big Liam was and how smart he was. After all, it's only been three months...but three months in toddler land is like years to an adult.
I will be posting video and pictures soon.
I was able to spend a few days with my husband before he left for Iraq. I have a lot of pictures and video, which will hopefully keep everyone entertained. I know I was.
We had a great family "vacation". Dave couldn't believe how big Liam was and how smart he was. After all, it's only been three months...but three months in toddler land is like years to an adult.
I will be posting video and pictures soon.
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