Surviving in a Male Dominated Household

Snakes and snails and puppy dog tails...

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Traveling home...

*As always, these blog posts are my own viewpoints and in no way are reflective of or endorsed by "Friends of Maplenol Barn" or Save the Barn Committee.*

This weekend I went back to my parents house for a visit. After Liam's gymnastics class, I loaded up the car (with all three boys) and we went to Ma'am and Papa's house. I realized we haven't been home since Christmas (and all of the barn work started).

I love going home. Time seems to go slower. The pace of life seems easier. More relaxed. Maybe it's because my mom does laundry, diaper changes, makes the meals etc. It allows me time to work on my writing, gather my thoughts and nap. Yes, I get to take a nap. And I LOVE it.

While some may think traveling with three boys 5 and under could be stressful, I love it. I know what is ahead of me. My home. While it isn't the same house I grew up in, it's still home. The air seems fresher, people are's home.

It's the farm. It's the love of our land and history. So while I was distanced from the barn by space for a few days, I feel more energized and closer to it now. I'm ready for a fight to keep the barn in its original footprint. I'm ready to keep it and restore it for my children. I'm ready.

Let's go.

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